The Answer To This Question Supplies The Answer To The Next Question
You are looking at a clay house sewer line inside an excavation. Unfortunately that object in front of the house drain is a new telephone pole (not a good thing). Sewer repairs were required to correct the house sewer problem in a timely manner as the New Years Holiday weekend was fast approaching.
Balkan Sewer and Water Main Service provided the pipe repairs and completely installed a new sewer line in just two work days. This sewer line work was performed in the week following a near record of around 15″ of snow. Conditions that most other sewer contractors would not even attempt to install a house sewer in. This distressed property owner received a new sewer line, which was installed with all required permits and NYC DEP inspections. All excavations were compacted, backfilled, and the entire job site left broom clean before the start of the New Years Holiday weekend.
What Is This A Picture Of (Part II) ?

Answer: A Puzzled And Perplexed Homeowner
Unfortunately installing utility poles in NYC can be a tricky business. It’s extremely hard to tell where all underground utility lines may lie, especially a house sewer which is hard to trace. A drain line frequently does run in a straight line towards the NYC sewer. In the case of this sewer line problem Balkan supplied photos of the pipe repairs and the old drain line to verify the cause of the sewer problem. The utility contractor was contacted and acted in a most professional manner. With all parties working together in a reasonable manner the sewer problem was addressed, including the question of responsibility, without any yelling and screaming. The yelling and screaming was saved for New Years Eve.