Every year, many Brooklyn homeowners experience problems with their water lines which causes them to seek water main repairs. The problem has become commonplace as America’s infrastructure ages. The National League of Cities (NLC) reports that approximately 650 water mains break each day. Such wide-scale water main leaks account for a loss of about 7 billion gallons of water per day and cause a household waste of more than 1 trillion gallons a year. Brooklyn is no exception; and water main repair Brooklyn is now more important than ever.

Around the Brooklyn, New York area the vast majority of plumbing pipes and water mains were installed shortly after World War II. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that the average life expectancy of water mains is 45 years, so many water mains are running on borrowed time since a large portion are currently around 60 years old. If your water main is around 45 years old or older, you might want to have a professional check the main for possible leaks before a major break occurs.
As neighborhoods age, the trees and shrubs also mature and send out invasive roots that frequently cause water main leaks, and sewer issues as well. Many types of trees will seek out a water main with their root system because the main offers water, moisture, nutrients, and oxygen that the tree needs to boost its growth. Tree roots can disrupt and break water lines. Ideally plant trees and shrubs a good distance away from the water main to avoid future problems.
Several other factors in the New York region cause water mains to fail. Clay soil in the Brooklyn area is exceptionally corrosive to pipes. The soil causes the pipe to deteriorate and leak over time. Frigid winters also take their toll on pipes. When the water temperature dips to below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, the water pipes start to become brittle and frequently break or develop a leak. It is not uncommon for a water main to break two or three days after a bout of freezing weather.
You should always be aware of what is going on underneath your property so you can avoid costly emergency repairs. Contact Joseph L. Balkan, Inc. to inspect your pipes or for any water main repairs you may require. We are water main repair Brooklyn specialists, and offer free on-site visits 7 days a week.