A Brooklyn homeowner in NYC was faced with potentially very costly water line repairs. A water line replacement across their roadway would be over 80′ long, the street was just paved by the NYC DOT, and a tree was in the way. Excavating by a tree requires involvement by the Parks Department, and the NYC DOT has implemented very costly restoration requirements when working across a newly paved street. Calling Balkan Sewer And Water Main Service for this water main resulted in a unique solution to this ‘budget busting‘ water line repair issue.

Instead of performing a water line replacement in the typical fashion Balkan Sewer And Water Main thought ‘outside the box’ for this water line repair. A highly trained water main Field Supervisor realized that because this was a corner house it had frontage on two different streets and access to a city water main on each street for the water line repairs. The distance to the water main on the side street was less than half the distance to the water main across the street. By turning off the existing water line connection in one street and performing a water line replacement to the side street this homeowner saved on roadway restoration costs, water main material, labor, and multiple additional costs if the NYC Parks Department had to get involved.

This is an example why, when faced with water line repairs, only an experienced and trusted water main company should be called. Water line repair work is a specialty within the plumbing field, and NYC poses special challenges on a daily basis for water line repairs of any kind. An experienced water line repair contractor will have knowledge of rules, regulations, and field conditions. More importantly sometimes an experienced water line contractor will be able to come up with inventive ways, such as in this case, to save a property owner money when water line repairs are needed and still provide a top quality water line replacement or water line repairs.