Sewer Line Replacement Work Must Be Inspected – Illegal House Sewer Work Costs This Property Owner Thousands Of Dollars To Correct. Back in the year 2000 a homeowner needed a sewer contractor to perform a sewer line replacement. They hired who they thought was a reputable contractor to perform the replacement of the house sewer. The contractor completed the sewer line replacement and the homeowner paid them for the new sewer. The homeowner thought the issue was settled.
The homeowner did remember that the sewer contractor broke a gas main during the job resulting in various City agency representatives showing up at the job site, including the fire department. But still, they assumed everything was addressed and all the issues were resolved. They would learn later not to assume anything when it comes to a sewer line replacement.
Little did the property owner know that 10 years later when they were trying to sell their house a NYC Department of Buildings violation on the house sewer work would hold up the sale of the house. In addition they were faced with ECB (Environmental Control Board) fines and penalties. The contractor they had previously hired never had their work inspected and never informed the owner of the property of the open violation. The previous contractor simply completed the work, got paid, and went on their way.
In order to remove the violation the owner had to find a sewer contractor they could trust. Proper research had to be performed to find out exactly what the violation was for, and the scope of work required to correct the violation. Balkan Sewer and Water Main Service was recommended to this property owner as a trusted name in the industry for over 50 years.
Balkans staff gave personal attention to this sewer line replacement problem. By coordinating the required scope of work with the NYC DOB and the NYC DEP inspection divisions the homeowner was assured of an accurate and prompt resolution to this matter. Unfortunately for the owner the entire sewer line replacement previously performed by another sewer contractor would have to completely dug up and exposed to satisfy the inspection division.
Because of illegal work by the previous sewer contractor this owner suffered over $7,000.00 in damages. Balkan did secure all required permits, all required NYC DEP inspections, and the required sign-off, thereby allowing for the house to be sold as planned. Because of stories such as this one Balkan urges all property owners to make use of the sewer and water main resource page located on this web site. In addition all property owners should demand a sign-off when sewer or water main work is performed on their property. An educated consumer is a reputable and licensed contractors best customer.