A sewer certification (a.k.a. sewer availability certification or site development plan) is an application for a house sewer connection or site connection proposal. It certifies that the public sewer where the new connection is proposed is adequate and appropriate to receive site sanitary and/or storm flow from a new development. Sewer certification applications (SD 1&2 forms) must be submitted by a Registered Architect (R.A.) or a Professional Engineers (P.E.). The P.E. or R.A. must also be licensed in New York State. SD 1&2 forms strictly pertain to new house sewer line connections and do not have anything to do with water service lines. There is a completely different approval process for water service lines.
What information is contained in SD 1&2 forms?
While SD 1&2 forms are multiple pages, page one contains most of the pertinent information for a sewer contractor to follow while performing an installation. Examples of other information not shown on page one is the size and type(s) of the city sewer where the connection is proposed, and verification that it is in fact a pubic sewer. New sewer connections to a privately built sewer may require special permission or for additional forms to be filled out.
Page one of an SD 1&2 form contains the following:
- The Borough of NYC the project is located in.
- The New York City assigned tax block and lot number.
- The approved zoning for the property.
- The address of the property.
- The owners contact information.
- The type of the building (one to three family, multiple dwelling, or commercial). Only one to three family buildings can be self-certified.
- The number of buildings the form is being filed for. Separate forms can be filed for each building on a project, of they can all be included on one form.
- The total number of dwelling units the application pertains to. This is the number of dwelling units for each building multiplied by the number of buildings.
- The calculations for the amount of water flow for the entire site. Separate calculations are done for storm water and sanitary water.
- Indicates if storm water will be retained on site (a retention tank or drywell), or detained and then released to the public sewer (a detention tank).
- The type of sewer or sewers (sanitary, storm, or combined).
- The size of the pipe and the required material.
- The total number of requested connections.
- The type of connection(s) requested to the city sewer – there are eight different types of connections.
- A plot plan showing the location of the connection(s) may be on page one, or on a separate page known as an attachment F.
Self certifying SD 1&2 forms
Certain SD 1&2 forms can be self certified with either the DEP or Department of Buildings by either an Registered Architect of Professional Engineer if they meet certain criteria. The self certification process greatly expedites the approval of a new sewer connection. Up until the early 1990’s there was no self certification process in place, and the overall approval process for a new house sewer was much longer.
Self-certification of SD 1&2 forms is limited to residential buildings of from one to three families. Commercial properties must go through a review process and cannot be self-certified. Other types of new house sewer connections that cannot have their SD 1&2 forms self-certified are common sewer connections or when the city sewer does not front the property. This would include cases when a city sewer has to be extended in any way, or the proposed new sewer runs through another lot (whether it has the same owner or not). See below for more detailed information courtesy of the NYC DEP.If a city sewer must be extended or a riser connection built for a new house connection a DEP field inspection is required. That is because ownership and maintenance reverts to the NYC DEP after the work passes inspection.
Choosing a sewer contractor to follow NYC approved SD 1&2 forms
SD 1&2 forms may seem complicated for a person unfamiliar with the installation of new house sewer lines. However an experienced sewer contractor can easily understand and comply with all aspects of the form. An approved site development proposal actually serves as a detailed work order. It also provides the information needed for the appropriate city inspector to properly inspect and pass the sewer line installation.
Joseph L. Balkan Inc. has been trusted by New Yorkers since 1952 to provide timely service and new sewer lines that meet or exceed code. Trust Balkan to use domestic extra heavy cast iron pipe for high quality, and have a complete team of professionals to handle every aspect of a sewer job. While there many trusted and reliable sewer contractors in NYC more New Yorkers choose Balkan for their sewer and water main work than any other.