48 hour Queens sewer repair on house sewer. When a homeowner had their sewer collapse in Queens after typical normal work hours they were in a state of distress. Not only were they faced with an unexpected sewer repair, but they didn’t know when to expect a response to their calls for emergency service. Frequently companies promise 24/7 service but in fact do not provide it or charge extra for this type of premium service.
In the case of this Queens sewer repair, which needed immediate attention, the homeowner contacted Joseph L. Balkan Inc. because they had seen Balkan do work for other neighbors. Within one hour of their call an experienced company representative with over twenty years of sewer repair experience arrived at the scene. A complete description of the required sewer repair was given with an accurate written proposal. As is also company policy this homeowner received a ten year guarantee in writing and the same price other neighbors had received even though this was an emergency sewer repair.
Balkan provides free site visits seven days a week at no charge and at no obligation. Sewer and water main estimates are always clearly put in writing.
Within 48 hours of this call for service not only was the repair started, but the Queens sewer repair was completed as well. This included securing all required permits, arranging for all required inspections. It also included final and complete restoration of all disturbed areas.
Because Balkan has in-house paving and cement crews, restoration is typically performed the very next workday weather permitting. It is service like this that makes Joseph L. Balkan Inc. the premier contractor for Queens sewer repair work. Balkan this same high quality service throughout Brooklyn, Manhattan, and the Bronx.