NYC water main replacement and water main repair work requires top notch materials. Unlike many areas of the country NYC water main work poses special challenges and conditions. Frequent ground shifting due to dramatic temperature changes each year is one factor. Another factor particular to NYC is a higher incidence of utility excavation due to the age of many subsurface facilities and the number of underground facilities present in NYC.
For these reasons and simply to provide a higher quality water main repair or replacement Balkan uses domestic K copper exclusively. In addition Balkan uses brass fittings manufactured in North America exclusively. A superior NYC water main repair or water main replacement starts with superior materials.
K copper installed properly for NYC water main work

Water tubing must be installed with care to fulfill its expected life expectancy of 50 years or more. That is sometimes not the case, frequently proper care is not taken. Water tubing is not meant to be pulled with force – some NYC water main contractors pull K copper using a chain through a confined tunnel. This stresses and damages the tubing causing it to fail prematurely. It is not a professional installation for NYC water main repair or replacement work when undue stress is placed on copper water tubing.
K copper must be gently pushed or guided through a properly sized tunnel. There must be no needless stress placed on the water line tubing. In addition K copper is ideally installed in one continuous coil. Sometimes this is not possible due to field conditions or the length of the run – but to needlessly piece together sections of copper is not advisable. Balkan ensures that copper is installed with the utmost care for any NYC water main repair or replacement work. In addition Balkans stock of all available sizes and lengths of coils of domestic K copper ensures one continuous coil of copper unless field conditions dictate otherwise.
10 Year guarantee on water main replacement work
Joseph L. Balkan Inc unconditionally guarantees water main replacement work for 10 years. 2012 will mark the 60th year of continuous operation for Balkan so their 10 year guarantee means something. A devotion to using high quality materials and to installing them properly equals the highest quality NYC water main replacement and repair work available.
Balkan offers their same 10 year unconditional guarantee on sewer replacement work as well. They are able to due this because just as in the case of water main work domestic materials are used exclusively.
A reason to back a company using domestic materials
This is what the U.S. International Trade Commission had to say in 2009:
” Based on the record in the preliminary phase of these investigations, we find that there is a reasonable indication that an industry in the United States is materially injured or threatened with material injury by reason of imports of seamless refined copper pipe and tube from China and Mexico that are allegedly sold in the United States at less than fair value.“
That comment speaks for itself. Balkan uses superior materials and backs the companies that produce them.
About The U.S. International Trade Commission
The United States International Trade Commission is an independent, quasijudicial Federal agency with broad investigative responsibilities on matters of trade. The agency investigates the effects of dumped and subsidized imports on domestic industries and conducts global safeguard investigations. The Commission also adjudicates cases involving imports that allegedly infringe intellectual property rights. Through such proceedings, the agency facilitates a rules-based international trading system. The Commission makes most of its information and analysis available to the public to promote understanding of international trade issues.
The mission of the Commission is to administer U.S. trade remedy laws within its mandate in a fair and objective manner; provide the President, USITR, and Congress with independent analysis, information, and support on matters of tariffs, international trade, and U.S. competitiveness; and maintain the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS).
The Commission has five major operations that serve its external customers:
- Import Injury Investigations
- Intellectual Property-Based Import Investigations
- Industry and Economic Analysis
- Tariff and Trade Information Services
- Trade Policy Support