We deal with New York City water main problems on a daily basis, and that includes Brooklyn water main emergencies. There are few emergencies similar to a water main emergency. This especially true if it involves an apartment complex, or a business with a large number of people, there is simply no time to waste. No one can cook. No one can shower. It can involve loss of heat in the Winter time. People rely on fresh water, and without it life can become very challenging, very fast.

Balkan Sewer And Water Main has been doing private water main repair in Brooklyn for well over sixty years. We are the oldest company, dedicated to sewer and water repair, operating continuously under the same name in the area. We operate 24/7, have over 80 employees, and next day restoration of disturbed surfaces is standard operating procedure. Start with us, because if you do not, you may end up calling us eventually. We routinely fix water main issues in less than 24 hours. Why take a chance with a less experienced water main contractor? Balkan Sewer And Water Main is the first name if you have a Brooklyn water main emergency.
We are experienced in dealing with the problems of water restoration in Brooklyn. The congestion of the borough, the age of the pipes, and the proximity of other service lines offer challenges we have overcome time and time again. It is vital to find the root of the problem and solve it with a solution that is implemented properly. One bad decision or action can lead to a loss of water for the entire community (and big fines).
Not only does the technical work of analyzing and correctly solving the water problem need to be done with efficiency, but also safety. Safety for both Balkan Sewer And Water Main employees and non-employees alike are a priority. Joseph L. Balkan Inc. has a recognized record of performing safe Brooklyn water main repairs.
In addition to our record of doing the work correctly and in a safe manner, after the job is done, the disturbed area is repaved or re-cemented according to Department of Transportation standards. In other words, from analyzing and fixing the problem to repaving the affected area, if necessary, Balkan Sewer And Water Main is your full-service Brooklyn water main contractor. If you have a Brooklyn water main problem, contact Balkan Sewer And Water Main today.